Saturday, November 9, 2019

Online safety

Online safety is an important activity that is a must for every small, medium and multinational company. There are many web tools available that screen the net hackers and bad guys. Below every web site there is a privacy statement which authenticates that the visitor must comply with the terms and conditions of web site that it will not be used for any illegal purposes. Similarly there is a possibility of fraudulent transactions by entering fraud credit and debit card numbers which creates chaos and revenue for online businesses. For preventing all these unforeseen hurdles, online companies delivery goods only after the credit /debit card payment is received which is safe and secured transaction. Google Hack Honeypot (GHH) is a web tool for tracking net hackers that is launched by Google company. Google being a billion dollar multinational company, and the web site google. com is used by millions of internet users who seek information and in the year 2005, Google recorded 8 billion pages and from the view point of Google company, tracking of net hackers with malicious intentions is essential in order to counterattack. Similarly for the online safety of consumer, U. S Government has also passed several policies that individual companies must issue formulas to ensure customer privacy online and customer information must be kept confidential and should not be easily accessed by any other company web sites. Conclusion Good use of technology, breeds good results whereas illegal works have to be tracked as damage is caused to the public as well to businesses. Therefore, authentication and SSL have to be served at every level for ensuring safety and security of information of companies.

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